Welcome to Speaking of Dying Minnesota, where we understand the importance of health care directives for individuals of all ages and stages of life. Our mission is to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their end-of-life care and ensure that their wishes are respected and honored through advance care planning.

Who needs a health care directive or advance care directive? The simple answer is everyone above the age of 18. Regardless of your age or current health status, having a healthcare directive in place can provide invaluable peace of mind and clarity for both you and your loved ones. Young healthy adults can complete “The Short Form”.  Choosing a health care agent is the only requirement.

One of the key points emphasized at Speaking of Dying Minnesota is that anyone over the age of 18 can create a healthcare directive. Life is unpredictable, and having a plan in place can help ensure that your wishes are known and respected in the event of a medical crisis or a temporary incapacity.

Life events such as leaving home, starting a new job, partnering, marriage, divorce, preparing for retirement, caring for aging parents, or experiencing a change in health status can serve as important motivators for writing or updating your health care directive. These milestones often prompt individuals to reflect on their values, priorities, and goals for their end-of-life care, making it an ideal time to put their wishes in writing.

Speaking of Dying Minnesota understands that health care directives are not static documents. They can and should be updated as needed throughout your lifetime to reflect changes in your health status, personal circumstances, or treatment preferences. Our workshops, individual consultations, and resources provide individuals with the tools and guidance they need to create a comprehensive advance health care directive that evolves with their changing needs and preferences.

Whether you’re a young adult just starting out on your own or a seasoned individual planning for retirement, having a healthcare directive in place is a proactive step toward ensuring that your end-of-life wishes are respected and honored at the end of your life.

Join Speaking of Dying Minnesota to learn more about the importance of healthcare directives for you and your loved ones and how to create a plan that reflects your values and priorities. Together, let’s start the conversation about end-of-life care and empower individuals to make informed decisions about their future. Contact us through our website or call our office in the Twin Cities.