Welcome to Speaking of Dying Minnesota’s Health Care Directive Workshops also known as Living Deeply, Dying Well, workshops where the belief in empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their end-of-life care is our focus. Living Deeply, Dying Well workshops are designed to provide education, foster meaningful discussion, and offer practical advice on writing health care directives. Planning for the future and ensuring that your wishes are respected, even in challenging circumstances, is of utmost importance. Using a compassionate approach and expert guidance, we aim to support you in creating a comprehensive and personalized health care directive (HCD) that reflects your values, preferences, and priorities. Join us as we navigate this important journey together, one conversation at a time.

Join One of Our Upcoming HCD Workshops in the Twin Cities Metro Area
At Living Deeply, Dying Well Health Care Directive Workshops, a safe place to learn is provided, discuss, and share stories while writing your Advance Health Care Directive. Deciding and sharing who your health care advocate will be will give you peace of mind and remove a burden from your loved ones. Contact us today to sign up for a workshop for yourself or a loved one. Medical professionals who are seeking continuing education on HCD for their patients are welcome.